Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy Day Indeed!

So I was bummed about spending my birthday in another country so far from those I loved. While working in Japan it was lonely and all around awkward just telling random people about it, and I figured this would be no different.  But with Jackie and some Bolivian folk, here was my day:

Woke up with 4 texts from 2 am from my fridge repair man (who had come the day before, and Jackie told him of my birthday)!

Walked out my door, ran into the most beautiful, sparkly streamers and found myself a tiara on the kitchen table (thanks Jackie!!)
Ate papaya, yogurt, honey cereal, carrot cake, and some coffee for breakfast.

Got a huge, genuine hug and kiss from a totally random resident for it being “doctors’ day”, and then he found out it was my birthday and gave me another set.

Met with Paola, the nurse working with us, who had prepared a mini present for me (and one for Jackie too hehe) and a prayer.

In Sook and Jackie
 More genuine hugs and kisses from the head of medicine and one of the cardiologists.  Got invited to a party for “doctors’ day”.

Went to see In Sook, a Korean lady who owns the cute coffee shop below my apt.  Free cupcake and we picked up my HUGE cake!  With whom would we eat it all?!?  After one month, we really only have one friend in Santa Cruz (Omar).

Omar, Jackie and I
Checked the internet to many great blessings from everyone (thanks!), including a blog post shoutout from my good friend Kara, without who I never would have met Nate!  Also, a JibJab card from my brother Koko with a small note that said “PS, Kathy and I got engaged!”  : )

Came home to a text from Malasa, our American friend in a Bolivia town, and a text from a previous taxi driver (he goes on a 3 hour route daily and also gives park tours) who had driven us a week ago! 

Went to Doctors’ Day party with Jackie and Omar- perfect outdoor spot and good food and live Bolivian music.  Music stopped to play Happy Birthday, and then everyone- mostly strangers and a few residents- yelled at me to “bite the cake”, which is a tradition here…

…just to line the birthday child up to get their face shoved into the cake!!

Hung around, danced a little to some music, chatted away, generally enjoyed ourselves into the night.  Jackie and I were speaking conversational Spanish the whole time, without ever really realizing it (medical and work Spanish is still difficult though).  We came back and went to a “good” sushi place (if you could call it sushi), where we all got a free glass of wine to top off a grand birthday.  Bolivia isn’t the smoothest and most amazing transition, but days like this make me darn proud to turn another year here.


  1. Looks like you had an amazing day down south. :)

  2. I am sorry we did not know about your birthday or would have included in the birthday alert. Many happy returns!! PR

  3. next year i get to shove your face in the cake, k?

  4. Jackie did a great job--I'm so happy to see these px of you looking happy on your b'day, Emi! I promise to read your blog regularly and go back to read old ones. Love & Prayers, Mom


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