Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Español es muy difícil

Spanish is very difficult.  I knew I didn't really speak Spanish coming into this (the main goal was the come out more or less fluent), but it's always a shocker when 24-7 you are at a loss for words.  I actually find myself employing the Japanese bows a lot, which worked well in Japan but doesn't translate here so well.

Anyways, everyone who has studied another language, or even another field (centripetal vs. centrifugal?*) knows how easy it is to just mix up words.  Here are some recent ones:

"Enferma" when I meant "Enfermera" = "Sick lady" when I meant "Nurse"
The head of medicine was very confused when I kept asking to find a sick lady to help us collect patients for our study.

"Espalda" when I meant "Espejo" = "Back" when I meant "Mirror"
Never makes any sense.

"Bolsa" when she meant "Bosque" = "Bag" when she meant "Forest"
Jackie described to our intern that we wanted to go hiking in the bag this weekend.

*Now that I look at these words, I am ashamed that with 4 years of quality high school Latin I am still confusing these: 
Centrifugal = center fleeing, or a force moving an object away from the center 
from the word fugere = to flee (think fugitive)
Centripetal = center seeking, or a force moving an object towards the center
from the word petere = to seek (think petition)

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