Monday, February 10, 2014

Another year, another me, another Bolivia

It's unbelievable how much has changed in the past year. Bolivia yes, but also myself.  Don't get me started, but suffice it to say I lost a most special, amazing person who was once my better half. Yet around me I have discovered, reinforced, and relied on a strong safety net of friends and family who love me much more than I could ever have realized. And life goes on, and I'm patiently waiting this year to find out where I will go next for residency. Can only hope to be stronger than before, and with a lot more love for who I do have, what non-material wealth I hold, and the great opportunities I'm allowed.

And that brings me to Bolivia. Some things have changed. Like a few of the terribly busy intersections now have pedestrian lights! I was so happy to get to calmly stroll across the street (which can have anywhere from 4-8 lanes, depending on how people drive). Then I realized the green"walking man" only had a 2-flash warning before the traffic started up again without delay, and cars were honking and accelerating towards me yet again. Wow the 20-second countdowns in NYC are quite the blessing!

Anyways it's a weird feeling going back to an old home. I already know and have explored more markets than most people here- Pozos for hardware, Abasto for fresh veggies, Mutualista for my painting supplies, Florida for the fish, 7 Calles for fabric. But everything is slightly different. Then you see familiar faces. Gerson greeted me with a hug warmer than I could have dreamed of. Jackie and I sat together over Coke Zero laughing about the bizarre ways we accomplished things last year. I surprised Victor, my good friend and painting teacher, who was overflowing with questions. And over the next two months, I will catch up with everyone from Dr. Flores to Junior to dance class friends to the vinchicas to the coffeeshop lady. It's nice to be back : )

Reposting this, as it's relevant to coming back
“You get a strange feeling when you're about to leave a you'll not only miss the people you love but you'll miss the person you are now at this time and this place, because you'll never be this way ever again.” -Azar Nafisi, Reading Lolita in Tehran

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