Thursday, January 24, 2013

Las Cabañas


English dictionary: cabin, hut, or shelter, especially one at a beach or a swimming pool
Spanish dictionary: hut, cabin; hovel, shack
Interesting what happened to that loanword when it crossed cultures, likely at tourist resorts.

Language lessons aside, we took a trip to Las Cabañas this weekend.  Part of an old village of cabañas (Spanish language kind) on the city’s river bank have transformed into a weekend hangout.  The river is the focus and huts with traditional food line the road up to it.

Julius (aka Junior), a Bolivian who grew up in Virginia, escorted us around.  In the procession of cars to the river, we quite randomly passed his uncle driving out (note this is a city of ~3 million).  Ten minutes later, we got a call that his uncle was out of gas, so fortunately we were around for a small rescue mission, which ended up cutting our trip short.  Nonetheless, enjoy the photos!

Typical Food- all variations of rice and meat, except for the peanut soup
"cabaña" selling different dough creations
a monster truck!  even Junior was slightly
 impressed when this guy forded river

this random child would not stop hanging
 off the spoiler of Junior's car, despite
Jackie's best ugly face.  so to end the
5 mph thrill, we had someone hosing the
front of their restaurant spray her 

cars filing to the river

welcome to the river, respite for a hot day

1 comment:

  1. Even though it was cut short, it sounds (and looks) like it was a neat trip. I would have loved to see the look on the little girls face when they sprayed her with water to get her off your car!

    ~Emily Fazio


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