Thursday, May 1, 2014

todo que necesito

The other day I went out dancing in NYC and some guy asked me where I learned to dance.
Oh cool. What's something you learned in Bolivia?
I thought for a four count, then this just came out
Everything I thought I needed, I don't really need.
Well I meant a dance move, but OK.

It's been a few weeks since I've left Bolivia, with no idea when I can return. My next step is Philly to begin what will be three years of intense training in an internal medicine residency. These last few years have tested my limits in so many ways, pushing me, amazing me, wrecking me, rewarding me, and forcing me forward. I expect no different of the next few, and more.

Here's my best attempt at closing from last year. I named this blog after a Beatle's song. After that conversation I kept thinking, as cliche and terribly scary or wildly reassuring as it can be at times, right now I'm inclined to agree with this one: all you need is love : )